Data center is the place of power. Where are your data operating? DC|COSMONOVA overview


At the new stage of development, projects face the problem of upgrading in-house IT infrastructure when performance of the existing facilities is not enough. Companies save funds by means of data center services, because it is much more cost-effective to maintain IT infrastructure in the data center.

DC or data center is a special-purpose building that accommodates network and server hardware with an option to connect subscribers to the internet channels. In other words, it is a process area where servers of the companies are physically located under certain environmental conditions to ensure proper functioning of the equipment.

We’re talking to the Head of DC|COSMONOVA Sales Department Gennadii Demchenko on the relevant details. 

What are the main aspects future clients of the data center focus on?

G.D.: Above all, data center clients pay special attention to the fulfillment of supplier’s specifications that meet the project needs: physical data security, fault tolerance level, fire safety, cooling system, power supply system. Other factor is the price of the service.

DC|COSMONOVA Data Center complies with TIER3 international data storage standards and has safe internet channels. It is equipped with uninterruptible power supply (two independent inputs, two UPS circuits, two diesel power plants) and redundant cooling system.

Our specialists provide continuous monitoring and technical support on a 24/7 basis.

 Data center perimeter is under round-the-clock video surveillance, it features outside guard and access control system.

What services do you offer, and what are the benefits you motivate your clients with?

G.D.: We offer classical data center services: colocation services, lease of servers and network hardware (dedicated), lease of cloud-based servers and services, communication links, construction of the optical network in the city, we’re speaking about Kyiv.

There are also cloud services in our portfolio. We motivate with quality of services and Service Level Agreement (SLA).

 What about DC|COSMONOVA cloud platforms?

 What are the benefits of your clouds outside Ukraine?

G.D.: In 2019 our data center has three cloud platforms – in Ukraine and in the European data centers: Equinix in Germany, EvoSwitch in the Netherlands.

Countries in which equipment is located possess highly developed world-class network infrastructure, this permits to perform most challenging projects with respect to the networking conditions. We have an opportunity to build optical links with these data centers.

How do you cooperate with public sector customers, and how different

 are their technical requirements? 

G.D.: Public sector customers are the same clients as profit-making organizations. DC|COSMONOVA serves its clients with equal quality of services provided and despite client origin. Requirements of these customers do not differ from the ones of commercial customers in any exotic technical features.

However, it is important for the public authorities to ensure network connection via secure communications node. We have built it and obtained a respective Certificate for Compliance of Comprehensive Information Security System (CISS) of Secure Internet Access Node (SIAN).

As regards security, how does it deal with cyber threats?

G.D.: 100% cyber threat protection does not exist. Our company provides the clients with DDoS attack protection, as well as we render antivirus protection services through a number of partners. To build a comprehensive infrastructure protection system, projects are accomplished in accordance with the requirements specification.

We offer three security levels: Base, Medium and Hard. Nevertheless, we should remind of timely strategic data backup.

There is a large number of such attacks implemented technically in essentially different manner. It is difficult to prevent a threat. Progress will be achieved only in case of comprehensive approach.

DC|COSMONOVA is the first Ukrainian data center that in 2018 offered cyber risk insurance option to the Ukrainians. 

In cooperation with our partner, international insurance broker, we offer the clients cyber risk assessment and insurance services of the U.S. and European leading insurance companies on the international insurance terms.

         Every experienced player harbors strategical ambitions. What decisions are you planning to take before the end of 2019? 

G.D.: We are planning to build a cloud service on the basis of VMWare platform, as well as other cloud services using its base. Currently we use KVM platform. There will be two different products: one for the small-scale projects that do not require heavy load, the other one for the projects that imply high load. We also extend the network of partners, suppliers and office software developers to provide our clients with comprehensive IT solutions for their business.



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